26 September 2022
By Becky Wharton
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My Top Instagram Reel Tips


Recently, Instagram rolled out an algorithm update that focuses on Reels and putting them at the forefront of all users feeds.  This equates to the more you post Reels, the more eyes see your brand.  Reels also encourage engagement and can be a great tool to grow your brand. Below are my best tips for creating effective Reels.


1.  Create original content  

This is not to say you can't jump on a trend, but put your own spin on it!  Go for something that is either educational or entertaining, but in a unique style that reflects your business and brand.  And use the Reels app to create and edit your Reels!  Instagram prioritizes Reels created in the app.


2. Use Text and Captions

Many users do not watch their phone with sound (think "someone in a waiting room, airport, etc.")  And not only is this helpful for users watching without sound, its invaluable to users with hearing difficulty.  To add captions to your video, click the stickers tab at the top and scroll to "Captions".  After captions are added, proofread them to ensure everything came through correctly (you can edit captions!).


3.  Drive Traffic to Your Link in Bio

The best way to drive traffic is a clear "Call to Action" on your Reel for users to click the link in your bio that moves them to your website and will help convert viewers into customers.


4. Hop on Trends ASAP

Nothing makes a faster scroll by than an outdated trend.  Trends are what they are, trendy, which means they come and go quickly.  If you are suddenly seeing, or hearing the same things, this means its a trend and would make a great Reel if executed quickly.  If you click on the music on a Reel (lower left corner) it will show you all the Reels that have been created with the audio and also will allow you to save the audio for later use (but not too much later!).


5. Share the Reel to your Feed

Always share the Reel to your Feed (and your Story!). This is a great way to boost your views and engagement.  Instagram has a setting when you are posting a Reel to share the Reel to your feed.  If your business has a Facebook page, ensure you are also sharing there. To keep your feed consistent with your brand, you can upload a cover for the Reel that integrates with your aesthetic.


Reels can seem intimidating at first, but can be a really effective business growth tool, so try one out, find your niche, and post consistently.  


Need help marketing your small business? the daly brand can help!  Fill out our form or send a quick message to learn more!

17 August 2022
By the daly brand
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Being a small business owner, being productive is key to success. Productivity is essential to growth and efficiency in your business.  Below are my best tips for being productive in your small business. 

1.  Spending time on the right things, and not just busy work.

Write down all the tasks in your business by category.  Is there anything that can be taken off the list, either cut because of unimportance, or delegated to another employee or service for hire? You do not have to do it all for your business, it's impossible!  Exploring areas in your business that can be streamlined is key to growth.


2. Batching (and Prioritizing) Tasks

The word used for lumping together similar tasks and completing them all together is called batching.  Looking at your task list and calendar to decide what tasks use the same tools, same system, or are same type of work, and place those tasks on the same days.  This is fully dependent on your business category and needs.  Think of it as creating "theme days" for your business.


3.  Setting up Healthy Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries for yourself and your time is important to avoiding burn out. It is up to you to decide what your energy and time goes into.  You want your business to be sustainable and consistent to your clients, but you cannot be productive if you are burnt out.


4.  Creating Monthly Goals

Evaluating your business monthly and setting goals will keep your business on track, as well as encourage growth.  Setting goals also helps your employees see the vision you have for your business.


And there you have it, my 4 best productivity tips.  Do you have any to add? Let me know in the comments!


Looking to get something off your plate for your small business? Check out the Branding page on my website to see how The Daly Brand can help your small business.

23 May 2022
By the daly brand
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Happy June!


Hopefully everyone is enjoying the transition of seasons like I am.  It's been awhile since I have been able to sit and write an entire (cohesive) blog post, but I'm back and ready to keep at it.


This month, the focus is ensuring your branding and web presence is up to date and concise. 

First up, your business growth checklist,


1.  Do you have strong brand identity?

Your website needs to look like your business.  Brand colors, tag lines, and a professional brand logo are all elements to create a strong brand identity.  Your business needs to be clear or customers will just move on to the next.  These days, customers are looking for polished brands that align with their likes and identity.  Stay uniform!


2. Is your website current?

Take some time to go through every page of your website.  Is all the information up to date? Make all necessary changes.  Updating your website also helps with your Google search presence. Google loves a website update, so do often to keep your listing towards the top! 


3. Are you asking your customers for reviews? 

If you don't ask, they most likely won't leave them, and what's the harm of asking?  If someone had a great experience, ask for a review!  Bonus points for making it easy for your customer, like QR code cards to scan or even a simple text to their phone with a link.


4. Are you promoting your social media?

Ensure your customers know that you have social media and encourage them to interact with you there.


5. Do you have a blog?

Blogging is a great way to not only keep your website updated, but can also bring in potential customers for conversation.  Blog posts are a great place to share your expertise ensuring customers that you are up to the job!


Need help with maintaining a updating your branding or maintaining web presence? Click on my contact form and send me a message!  I would love to hear how I can help you, and your small business!

19 January 2022
By the daly brand
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As you may know, the internet has now taken over as our main source of information.  News, information, and even updates from family are now posted online.  What does this mean for your business? It means that your internet presence is more important than ever.  Below is a little checklist to get a jump start on creating a consistent, clear brand across the Internet.


• Same information across all platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Website, Google)

Ensure that your hours, office information, and imagery (Photos and Logos) are consistent as to not confuse your customer.


• Do a quick Google search of your business name and look through the first 2 pages of hits for anything that is suspicious or not accurate

If there is something misleading that involves your business, it can be reported to Google to be removed through your Google my Business profile


• Take advantage of your Google My Business profile
Update it consistently and ensure all information is entered.  This helps your views on Google search. Also take some time to search similar businesses in your area.  How does your Google page stack up? Update as needed. (Reminder, professional photos of your actual staff and office is important!  Stock photography had its moment, but customers want to see YOU and YOUR BUSINESS)
Need help with your business's online presence?  The Daly Brand can help!  Reach out today and see how I can help grow your business.
24 November 2021
By the daly brand
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It's hard to believe it's already that time of year, the holidays are upon us and before you know it, the New Year.  Maybe it's because I am getting older, or if the last couple of years have just been... hard.  But setting a focus for not only my business, but my home life, my family life, and just well, my life seems more important than ever.  I have spent the last few months being overwhelmed and anxious, and it just really comes down to a need to refocus on the things that matter most.


A New Year is the perfect time to do this.  The end of the year seems like the closing of a chapter, where we can begin a new story if we want to, on January 1st.  Whether its a focus on family, home, health, lifestyle, picking up a new hobby, or reconnecting with the past.  We judge a lot of things by the way they turn out, even our years.  We judge them on the outcome, and don't look at the moments that really matter, the shining moments throughout the year.


Our days are busier than ever, with convenience also comes the pressure to do more, have more, BE more.  Is this really what life is about? Focusing on the outcome of doing all the things?  It's time we make a case for all the things being just some of the things.  Refocusing on what's important, what really matters.


With that in mind, here are my plans for the New Year

• More time in the garden

• More fishing and camping

• More time for myself

• More photos! (here and for myself)


And that's it.  The case for just some of the things.


- becky