Taking Better Videos for Instagram
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16 January 2024
By the daly brand
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The Instagram Reels feature is an incredible tool for growing your small business organically and economically.  Creating high quality content is possible with just a phone and a few tips. 


1. Shoot your video for where you plan to post it.  For filming Reels, its best to film with your phone vertically. This fits the format of the app best.  And be aware if you are putting clips together, film them all holding your phone the same, so they can easily be edited together.


2. Film in 4k for the best quality footage.  iPhones can film in 720p, 1080p and 4k, with 4k being the best quality.  Higher quality footage is more likely to catch the attention of your audience, which should increase engagement on your page.


3. Pay attention to your frame rate.  iPhone has 3 frame rate options when shooting 4k, 24, 30 or 60 fps.  For general videos, 30 fps is great, but for action, you will want to use 60 fps for the clearest quality.


4. Ensure you have enough light.  Your Reel will not gain traction if the footage is too dark for your audience to decipher.  Use natural lighting as much as possible, as it's more pleasing to the eye and won't earn you a quick swipe to the next.


5.  Practice makes perfect.  The more you shoot, the more content you can create and the better the footage will be over time.  As they always say, the best camera is the one that it with you and gets used.


To learn more about Instagram content for your small business, check out my earlier blog post about marketing your brand.

Need help growing and marketing your small business or growing your brand, contact The Daly Brand for a consultation.  

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